Back To Reality

Is post-vacation depression a thing? If it’s not, it should be.

PVD is often associated with spoiled people. It is thought to be a first-world problem and doesn’t affect those that are #grateful. PVD can be debilitating as those afflicted are unable to concentrate on mundane household tasks, feel the need to eat out for every meal and have a cocktail with lunch. PVD makes it difficult to get up before 9am and in rare cases, causes individuals to yell at the sky for not being brighter, bluer, and/or warmer. If you think you have PVD, call anyone who hasn’t been able to travel because of illness or inflation. Maybe then, you too can feel #grateful to have had the experience.

I love the sun and the beach and the smell of sunscreen and the taste of fresh fish. It fuels my soul. I do not love crowds, club music, or men in banana hammocks but I can overlook these things for a week in southeast Florida. We didn’t have a day when the weather wasn’t perfect. Do Floridians ever get sick of warm breezes and sunlight? When anyone asked where we were from, they would shudder with the thought. When we told them it was still snowing in April, they practically passed out, praying to Jesus on their way down.

However, spring is starting to take shape here. I saw a few daffodils poking their heads from the earth. The robins have returned and are in a constant frenzy and most of the ice chunks in the lake have returned to their liquid form. Now, a wintry mix is predicted for Easter Sunday but let’s just pretend that’s someone’s idea of a really bad joke.

You know you’re old when…… constantly talk about the weather.

Let’s talk about my book progress.

I have had days where 1500 words felt easy and I’ve had days where I couldn’t bear to open the document. I had one day where I composed my very first sex scene. Afterward, I felt embarrassed and almost ashamed. It was like I had done something wrong by creating imaginary characters doing imaginary things to each other. But then I reread it a couple days later and oh la la. I’ve never in my life considered being a romance author but that little scene was actually pretty fun to write and read. I hope no one I know thinks I’m a perv. That is, if my book is ever completed and published and if anyone actually buys it.

I really can’t complain too much about writing. It’s been hard to concentrate due to my PVD but I’m still managing to get some words out. Twitter on the other hand has been a total buzz kill. I’m not someone who loves social media. I’m actually super private but I started an account so that I could connect with writers and I’ve learned some very important acronyms like WIP and MC. I’ve learned about querying and partial and full requests as well as beta readers and mood boards. All super great things but I only have about 100 followers and this blog only averages one view a day. Better than zero but I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. One person can tweet, “do you like green beans?” and get 387 comments while I tweet my lastest blog post and ask an actual question about the writing process and get 1 comment and 2 likes. What’s the trick? And don’t say sultry selfies with the phone angled toward my cleavage because I’ve seen way too much of that and prefer to stick with the profile pic of my dead cat.