Did anyone else chant that cheer in grade school? It went something like this….
Hey LA? Yeah?
Hey LA? Yeah?
Introduce yourself. Right On!
Introduce yourself. Right On!
What a dumb cheer.
Anyway, I was in need of some inspiration so I started looking at some old assignments from a nonfiction writing class. I came across a journaling exercise where I needed to list all the weird things about me and then write a short description in third person. I made a few edits and honestly, I can’t think of any better way to introduce myself.
Right On.
My Quirks
- Never know the right words to songs except Guns and Roses and early Madonna
- Can’t remember yesterday but can sing every commercial from the 80’s & early 90’s
- Go to bed really early
- Not a morning person or a night owl. More of a late morning/early afternoon gal
- Hate when people talk too loud
- Inability to tune out those who talk too loud
- Can’t stand the sound of my husband whistling
- Can’t browse greeting cards without having to go to the bathroom
- Hate to be cold
- Always wears slippers
- Certain that I missed my calling for Broadway even though I can’t sing or dance
- Knees crack when I squat down or go up and down stairs
- Quit running because I was convinced I would die on the side of the road
- Worry that I may need surgery someday
- Fussy about socks
- Hate tags in my clothes
- Hate the feel of wet wool
- Love summer
- Favorite smell is pine
- Always think I smell farts
- Wind makes me tired
- Scared of heights, tsunamis, and going to space.
She was the funny one with the inappropriate comment at the inappropriate time. Probably because she was uncomfortable in her own skin. The skin that itched from a tag that she snipped out but left one pointy corner that poked her incessantly. She was never good at drawing her attention from the things that bother her. Especially women who talk too loud or laugh too often. She really had no tolerance for extremes in any direction. It didn’t matter if it was sound, smell, touch, or even the weather. A strong wind was enough to send her straight to bed.
Well that was fun. Feel free to comment with a list of your quirks or a fun third person description.